Tuesday, February 28, 2006

aerospace was bloody tiring...started on tuesday...by thursday night i was already sick....still am right now...got a fricking cough that just wont go away despite all of the household remedies prescribed by my grandma (have you ever heard of coke with salt to cure cough?) weird huh??

did i mention that i worked at the Goodrich stand's bar? yup...i tell you, the Goodrich angmoh staff are probably the NICEST people in the world! i mean it! they are damn nice, damn warm and fricking cute! haha....i love them...the chinese staff, whether local or foreign, are asses though...chinese are rude...kinda weird huh cos im chinese too...oh well... *shrugs*

first time i saw my managers acting like total kids...May especially...she was practically squabbling with Jack over these souvineur collar pins that they were giving out....damn funny...the childish pouts on their faces when the other party refused to trade, the childish threats of not helping the other collect collar pins the next time round...fricking funny...was kinda upset that i didnt get to go round collecting souvineurs though...was stuck at the stand the whole time...fucking unfair...and no one wanted to give me anything...fucking selfish asses...humph...oh well...at least i won 39 bucks...SO THERE!

friday i took the day off cos i had the interview for mass comm at NP....fucked it up as usual...not the interview actually, the interview was fine....but we had to like group up in groups of 3 interviewees to do a presentation...and from the looks of our validators, they werent too impressed... =/ met johanna for awhile after that...yup...and said hi to her friend, who was my classmate in primary 1 and 2...as usual, she didnt recognise me, but recognised my ezlink photo instead...haha...after that went to collect pay...faith refused to let me do bookings for the next week cos i couldnt help her fill in a slot for the next day....so petty...humph...then went to meet nehneh in town help her choose her birhtday present...as usual we spent the whole time dissing each other's choices...haha...i saw this le coq sportif bag! i was in love with the original version...its like this glossy sling bag, the original version was totally black with white design and white borders...this new one was the same except for a yukky grey panel by the side of the bag...was damn tempted to get it just cos it was the closest thing to the original one...even put it on reserve....

saturday was nehneh's birthday! the bitch is finally eighteen...she wont get bounced by xialan bouncers at cocolatte anymore..haha...yup...met her at cine..she was with a friend, nick...he told me more about life in NP...yup...sounds fun...then roy came along and we went for dinner with charlotte at fish and co....then roy went off and we went to meet jh and rod at paragon...first time meeting nette's guy...haha...he is like totally my kind of guy...he is an asshole like me...wahaha..rod asked me wot my name was when nette went to take a shit with charlotte...i told him...and he went "HAO LIAN???" with that incredulous look on his face...i just told him to forget it...dammit my parents seriously leave their mark on me despite chasing me out...they left me with a dumb name...

after that got to talk with jh a lil when rod went off to meet sally for awhile...yup...he is just slightly different from ian lah...unique.. =/ saw chong too...he was also there to wish nette a happy birthday...felt quite 'zhibei'...somehow im always in the midst of beautiful people...feel like a priviledged ugly duckling...yup

sat at coffee bean waiting for them to finish smoking before going to walawala at holland V....the rest of the PJ ruggers were there...they seemed like a damn happy lot of people...nette told me that they were just drunk...haha..funny lot..they then asked 2 of their PJ seniors over to sit with us...this rather hot looking girl and her sweet-looking friend...ida came too...nette drank damn alot..she had like an irish coffee...lime margherita..brandy..6 tequila shots and a heineken...not including the sips here and there.....had to help her to the toilet...she was fricking high...after a few drinks i was quite happy too...then came the heineken...and i got seriously stoned...had had a tiring week, and the heinieken just made me sleep....most of them left while i was asleep..even the hot girl...damn...haha...

soon i was woken up and found that the remnants of the group were charlotte, me, nette, jh, cons, and sweet-girl... we headed off to crystal jade cos the guys were hungry...then nette had to puke...charlotte accompanied her upstairs...nette never made it up the stairs in time...she puked on the stairway...she then went into the storeroom where she puked somemore...and all over the floor...when i went up to take a look she was in bad shape...seriously wasted...tsktsk...act hero drink so much...orbeequek...she stepped in her own puke to get to the loo...walao...at first wanted to carry her down with jh, i had volunteered to take the legs while he took the head....after she stepped in puke, i withdrew my offer

jh and i went down first....she came down to the dining area...cons left...nette started puking again...jh and i were like making snide remarks...haha...charlotte and sweet-girl kept telling us to shut up...haha...i pity the diners...jh said we were so gonna get blacklisted =/

when we finally left, we let jh carry her down the stairs alone..jh and nette had a cab...charlotte, sweet-girl and me got another...found out sweet-girl's name on the cab...daphne... (n_n) went to charlotte's place to bunk...her parents were overseas...after getting off the cab, daphne started displaying symptoms of wastedness...had to help her up the stairs to the lift too...met a very-tired jh and a very-wasted nette and the lift lobby...carried nette up to charlotte's place...her sisters' friends were there too...charlotte slept in her parents' room and we slept in her sister's room....her sister's friends slept in the living room...felt kinda bad...haha...jh and i were so glad we could finally roam free in our boxers..haha...felt liberated...daphne had to pee so i went with her...she was seriously wasted...couldnt walk straight..had to support her...she fumbled for the switch and started turning on and off the powerpoint next to the toilet door, going, "why isnt the light coming on?" ...i told her to get in and turned on the light for her...haha..silly girl

yesterday went to work...after work went drinking with nette...that kaypoh wants to know everything...haha..yup....im finding it hard to play the counsellor nowadays.... =/ losing my mojo....

oh well...oh btw im holding ubai's hp now...might just buy it after sending it for repairs....hmmm...

leaving skool cheakie at 2:33 PM [comment]


Sunday, February 19, 2006

aerospace is quite fun...gamble on the way there...after loading all the shit onto the 3 lorries, had only like....38 chairs, one oblong table,several cartons of mineral water and 8 staff...so we borrowed cards from the driver, opened the oblong and played banluck...benson told me that this was the standard procedure during aerospace on the journeys...

May was the banker...never seen her smile and laugh so much in my entire life...she won quite alot...poor benson damn suay..he sit beside me..he claimed that i took all his cards...walao not my fault lah...i sat near to the end of the lorry...damn windy....then i was sitting on the cartons of water.....there was water...so you can say my fengshui was very good...haha...won 35 bucks...still on credit...apparently every day there will be banluck sessions...hopefully can win more...will bring more cartons of water to sit on.....

was sent back to hotel to help out at esplanade....damn damn sian lah....was bloody tired by then so couldnt really concentrate...there was some champange popping toast...had to bring 2 bottles to the stage...unscrewed the metal thingy on one then the cork popped right off inmmeadiately....nabei...got fucked upsidedown by hussein...didnt bother to explain to him lah...so just gave the unopened one to the bigshots on stage...popped it...the organiser also damn cock lah...donno what she doing...the bigshots havent even gotten their champange flutes yet then yamseng already....so dumb...

the day before was damn siong lah...me and adrian loo...do atrium seminars...wasnt so bad at first...i realised something...citibank people are damn 'pushy' : the atrium suite doors are supposed to be pulled to open...for more than 18 times, when my back was turned, the citibank people would tap me on the shoulder and complain that the doors were damn difficult to open and to demonstrate, they would shove the doors with all their might....i would just smile and give the doors a gentle tug....then they would enter sheepishly...so dumb...and some of them actually repeatedly had trouble with the door...lol...perhaps they are too used to the automatic sliding doors....is modern technology actually helping us or impairing us?

after that turnover damn siong...two of us had to turn 3 atrium suites, atrium foyers, one ballroom, and one pre-function room.....and on growling tummies...argh

newspaper reports that our dear boys in blue have decided to disallow people under the age of 17 from being on the streets after 11pm....thats like so dumb lah...its like a curfew even though there is no unrest...their excuse is that youth crime is rising...especially with youths as victims...so dumb...what i gather from crime watch is that youth crimes are usually carried out in broad daylight....and furthermore, its not only youth crime that is rising...so many murders involving adults happen at night...why not ban adults from going out late too? since you intend to PROTECT the citizens....and since youth crimes happen during the day too, why not attach a nanny police officer to every youth to keep them out of trouble? the curfew is just so dumb lah...now parents will have to be jolted from their sleep with late night calls from the police to inform them that their children have been caught outside hanging out....singapore is far from being a democratic country...so what if there are casinos? taking such small steps to liberalism but imposing military law at the same time...just what the fuck is the government trying to do? whats with the mixed signals to the rest of the world? used to think that singapore was a great place to live in...but its getting more and more fucked up...

oh well... =/

leaving skool cheakie at 1:59 PM [comment]


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

its valentines day

bah humbug.....

She told me last night that she was starting afresh with that sonofadick....i had no reaction...but you know, sometimes dreams have the weirdest ways of exposing your true feelings...had a really weird dream last night...remember the time i went out with her and she told me she was going to aljunied area to go to a friend's friend's house? i was damn worried right?

yup...last night i dreamt i was walking around aljunied area...every corner that i turned, i would see Her and that S.O.D. together, each holding the other's both hands...She would be looking at me, and he would be gazing at Her....She was in css uniform and he was in this gray tee and cargoes... =/ weird huh?

can it really be that bad?

cos i dont feel anything no more...

but what is the significance of this dream?

is it a revealing of my innermost feelings?

or just a product of a restless mind during sleep?

im too lazy to get out of the house....dont think i will go play snooker after all...maybe at night though....its a good day to be depressed... o.o

"I Still..." Backstreet Boys

Who are you now?
Are you still the same
Or did you change somehow?
What do you do
At this very moment
when I think of you?
And when I'm looking back
How we were young and stupid
Do you remember that?

No matter how I fight it
Can't deny it
Just can't let you go

I still need you
I still care about you
Though everything's been said and done
I still feel you
Like I'm right beside you
But still no word from you

Now look at me
Instead of moving on,
I refuse to see
That I keep coming back
And I'm stuck in a moment
That wasn't meant to last (to last)

I've tried to fight it
Can't deny it
You don't even know

That I still need you
I still care about you
Though everything's been said and done
I still feel you
Like I'm right beside you
But still no word from you

Wish I could find you
Just like you found me
Then I would never let you go (without you)
Though everything's been said and done (yeah)
I still feel you (I still feel you)
Like I'm right beside you (like I'm right beside you)
But still no (still no word) word from you

leaving skool cheakie at 1:24 PM [comment]


Monday, February 13, 2006

this morning woke late....to be exact, it wasnt morning anymore when i got off the sofa...

stoned around for damn long before deciding to go ngee ann to hand in my application form...when i was all dressed up, i realised that i hadnt even printed out the form, let alone filled it up...fricking screwed...dug around for paper...printed it out on 2 pieces of crinkled A4....took mighty long to fill it in...

only after i left ngee ann then jo called me...she wanted to meet me again...we always miss each other by like 15 mins...damn sad...was rushing to go meet elizabeth so didnt keblakanbuseng....yup...went to collect pay with her..waited fricking long for our brodder at city hall but she called to say she was still at bedok...nette called me to ask me to go town shopping for junhan's present...so i went with elizabeth first... then rushed off when munirah finally came...

met nette at pac plaza...her agenda was:t-shirts...the typical v.dae presie from nette to her guy...spent the whole time recommending the dumbest looking shirts to her....and she spent her time criticising my choices (the 'psychotic puppy' tee was CUTE ok??!!)...bickered with her like the good ol days...haha..she made me buy an extra yam pie when she suddenly changed her mind to buying curry puff...dont like her...i ate 2 yam pies...all the drinking sessions, this extra yam pie...SHE'S PLOTTING TO GET ME FAT JUST COS ROY SAID SHE IS GETTING FATTER TOO!!! nette is a cunning bitch...humph...miss the days in sec 4 going out with her everyday... =/ the dumb girl actually called jh to ask him about his opinion on a tee she was choosing...stoopid i tell you...that nincompoop knows nothing about this wonderful things called SURPRISES... *rolls eyes* it boiled down to 2 shirts..i suggested we consult the oracle of the coin toss..she agreed ...then she even tried to rebel against the mandate of the coin toss....orbeequek the shirt had no size anyway..lol...so she was forced to obey the coin..muahaha...and i am fucking hurt...the bitch is getting roses for lots of people...but IM NOT INCLUDED! im so fucking hurt...even dawn is getting one! nette claims im left out cos i am not in her school...fuckew nette! excuses...

after that met kong at bugis for dinner..got updated with the latest jsm gossip...cindy wrecked his dad's car...lol...damn funny...yup...chatted a lil...the joker got a new hp...na bei...im stuck with this ol piece of shit....

went back...i have no date for tml..not that i bothered to ask around anyway...lol...sad...its gonna be a cold, lonely valentines day for cheak... TT.TT

cheak is unwanted
cheak is broke
cheak is depressed
cheak is lonely

cheak has FREEDOM!

thats all that matters


leaving skool cheakie at 11:31 PM [comment]


past few days has been work and moving shipments of my personal effects over to grandma's house...hmmm...not going to work next week cos theres simply NO FUNCTIONS! T.T cheak is evastated...not to mention frigging broke

o lvl results are released...i have already signed up for poly via JAE...1st choice ngee ann mass comm...2nd choice TP mass comm...lol...not gonna take my chances on this one...im gonna hand in my application form in person to ngee ann tomorrow

happy belated birthday xiuhui! haha

was late for church today after a drinking session with nette after work last night(the off-duty security guard is getting on my nerves, he tried to make advances towards nette and fricking peed in the bushes behind her..fucking perverted fag)...after church went over to visit ahma...had lunch with her....waited for my fuckin parents to come back so i could finally get back all my files in their friggin com....yup...I FINALLY HAVE GOTTEN MY PORTFOLIO BACK! dammit but i realised havent typed out certain portions of my latest script...AND I HAVE LOST MY MANUSCRIPT!! fucking shit was pretty proud of it too...guess i just have to start all over again... TT.TT

after that went over to deposit stuff at grandma house...dawn called me...she stays at the same block as grandma...her grandma knows my grandma...lol...kampong spirit...

anyways met dawnie at the lift landing for a chat...was late in meeting her cos i had to take a shit...thank God i intercepted her before she gave up and went home... =/ heard some really sobering news from her...dammit why are things turning out this way? the irresponsibilty of some of my close friends are really causing hurt to the people who genuinely love them...i dont know how to deal with it...cant do much anyway now that i dont really see them....please dont make it worse!!

after she went home, i went home...doh...on the way back saw a really strange thing...the traffic police highway patrol had stopped a car on the road behind jurong interchange....the police were writing on some paper they put on the boot....about 15m behind the car...a plumb man had just jaywalked across the road, climbed over the barrier on the central divider and was hiding behind the supporting column of the overhead bridge, waiting for an opportune moment to dash to safety without getting caught....20m in front of the car, another 2 men were doing the same, except they had no pillar for cover...so ironic...the blatant stupidity of singaporeans

just watched the man city vs charlton match...im fricking impressed...man city arent just a soccer club, they are a TEAM...one word to descibe the play: spectacular

leaving skool cheakie at 2:46 AM [comment]


Friday, February 10, 2006

im getting really fat around the midriff...screwed...

went to deposit some clothes at grandma hse today

tml toto ten million hongbao draw

bought some

hope can win


tml is the day i can start applying for poly! whoopeedoo! good luck to all o lvl students out there...dont end up like me..

finally got my psp back from kaixin...ITS SCRATCHED! im so gonna kill her

leaving skool cheakie at 12:46 AM [comment]


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

went to withdraw today...so irritating...the withdrawal form required so many signatures from the various heads of departments...had to run around the whole day looking for them...made me think twice about withdrawing after all... =/

05S75 has changed...last year when you stepped into class, even on days with tests, the class would be buzzing with activity and conversation...now everyone is so stoned or mugging away...its kinda scary...and during chem when i sat in and looked around, it looked like there were fewer people as ber and junjie werent around any more... =/ quite sad

leaving skool cheakie at 6:59 PM [comment]


i love to break things...just broke 3 saucers at work today...it wasnt really an accident...i knew they were gonna drop...but i just let them...its a form of self-expression

ok im bull-shitting....

oh ya! lyndon called me on monday to tell me that he finally persuaded laopeh and laobu to sign the withdrawal letter! aiseh...his powers of persuasion not bad leh! if only he puts those powers to good use, like persuading his students to study properly and inspiring them to better results...lol..wow i take my hat off to him....my laobu is more stubborn than a mule...when she's bent on destroying my life, few can alter her course....lyndon is a miracle-worker!

actually come to think of it, laobu can be simile-d to a mule...she has damn thick skin, is stubborn, and is marvelous at bull-shitting...

ok whatever...im going to school tommorow to officially withdraw....wow at long long long last....yup...

leaving skool cheakie at 1:17 AM [comment]


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

went to hand in my form for NYP today...met up with mel for a while...after that went to l'oreal for job interview...waited for an hour for the interviewer only to be turned away...waited for another half an hour and got interviewed....was kinda shagged cos didnt have my morning coffee so i guess the interviewer thought i wasnt chatty enough to do sales...dammit...oh well =/

after that went to meet kong....went shopping for underwear...i bought 2 pairs of boxers from B.U.M....i love them! and got this box of red briefs with golden chinese characters printed over the crotch as birthday presents....heh heh....

working tml...at orsin... =/ hope it will be good...

dammit im hungry again

leaving skool cheakie at 12:08 AM [comment]


Monday, February 06, 2006

on friday night went to ahma house to spend the night so it would be more convinient to send dawn off...msged nette and nette told me dawn was only flying off on the 13th...felt cheated..but stayed the night anyway

next day was supposed to go visit grandma's sister-in-law....but woke up a lil too late and didnt bring proper clothes...so went home to change then went over to laopeh's eldest sister's place at pasir ris....yup...laopeh's youngest sister was there and so was laopeh's eldest brother's daughter....yup...so i told them the whole story of how i got chased out and we had this major bitching session about laobu...lol...i know plenty of them dont like laobu...told them they are not alone and that even some of the people from her own church cant stand her.... =/ feel so bad that i caused my guuguu 2 sleepless nights worrying about me when she heard that i had been chased out....felt even worse that ahma had nearly broken down in tears....im so so touched :')

after that went for dinner with them at tampines mall...ate xiaolongbao...my niece was like sticking to me the whole day...she is damn cute lah...just three years old....i love playing with my nephews and nieces...i get along damn well with kids...guuguu suggested that i become a childcare teacher...haha...

after that went drinking with nette and roy cos nette felt shitty....nette and roy were like dancing around...so dumb lah...never try to breakdance when you are drunk...i mean NEVER! after roy left she told me lots of stuff...stuff which no one would know about her unless...she is drunk... =/ yup....was kinda shocked...and i thought i was going through a lot...poor nette...she even managed to get me damn fucking worried for her and her safety...i donno...never seen her cry so much...ok to be frank she made me feel awful...and appreciative that God has given me more freedom and taken care of all my needs....all i can do is pray for her i guess...

BUT nette is also to blame for the steady formation of MY BEER BELLY! nabeh these weekly drinking sessions are burning a hole in my pocket and adding to my paunch...i really need to get back to my crunches routine! she went home wearing my chain...dammit....

had decided to go visit ahma to allay her fears before the family cameback from church...also realised that i had to submit my nyp application form by the 6th of feb...so had to go back to get my results slip anyway...mmmhmmm...but i woke up at like 1.15pm! my family usually comes back from church at 2...thought i pay a fast visit...heaved a sigh of relief when ahma told me that they would be back real late....im now kinda worried for ahma...shes complaining about frequent back pains and leg cramps...and now that im not around, she's often left alone in the house... =/

then went to work....kanasai damn suay tio the gay chris for serving partner....cant stand him...i really cant be bothered if he is reading this either...nabei he serve fucking slow....so i practically had to serve 2 tables on my own....so my guests had to wait quite long....felt so bad...never forgotten so many orders in my life...cant stand the way he fucking takes his time and when he does things, its done the 'broken wrist' way...like when we had to serve the dessert...the tray was fucking heavy...i carried while he served...normally people would quickly put 2 desserts on 2 plates and serve...he fucking did it one at the time and slowly too, not forgetting to smile sissy-ly at the guests....kanina....then later turnover he removed tables which we took out to set up and messed up the whole fucking table store....nabei really hope i can get the fragrance promoter job after the interview tml...then i can like never see that gay fucktard again...

had to cab home with him cos missed the transport...nabei the couple cabbing with us refused to claim the cab fare and insisted on alighting first,...nabei in the end guess who had to pay first? yours truly....doh....nabei...fricking 27 bucks! doubt i can claim....nabeh fucking suay

still havent filled up my application form..im fucking screwed....

leaving skool cheakie at 3:09 AM [comment]


Friday, February 03, 2006

just came back from wot was supposed to be a farewell dinner for dawndawn....and like she may not be leaving on saturaday after all, so like...wasted time? but nvm...nette told me some stuff that is rather worrying....should like to observe how things go... =/

before that was at ngee ann open hse with munirah and elizabeth...yup....they did lots of dumb things to prove their dumbness...lol....was near the entrance when this guy passed us some flyers...when i was reading it, suddenly this girl just popped up outta nowhere, held a stick-on tattoo to my forearm and started spraying water on it...was too shocked to react....before i knew it, i had a ngee ann tattoo on my forearm...fuckk...cant remove it totally....its painful....i have a hairless patch where the tattoo once was....forgot to contact jo until she called me much later...sowee jo!! i will join you in a few months time and you can see me till you get sick of me then! hah

after that went to play mahjong with vin, chia and carson...fucking lost 30 bucks plus to them....but at least i feel better now....at least im dont have any winnnings left after winning 84 at banluck that day at wanli's place...so im not holding on to any of my friends' cash now after treating the lot to macs too...phew...yup...i can tithe without worrying that some of it might be 'dirty money'....heh...bullshit

dammit how come all the wrong people manage to find my blog....fucked up

leaving skool cheakie at 1:02 AM [comment]


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My Extended family
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ms woon
judo king
wan kuku
ms neo
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ms choee
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BIG pussy
The Yarzman
mrs smeagol
miss OR
netball captain
the driver
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mr nanayakara
Primary sch frens
