Monday, October 31, 2005

ok the learning fest is over....wasnt too to know quite a few of my ermm...colleagues if you would put it that way....ya...all quite nice and interesting people...BUT ALL OF THEM SMOKED!! i think i shortened my lifespan by about a few years cos of the few hours of smoke-breaks i took with them...but its kinda used to hanging around smoker friends already....all you out there who have smoker friends, treasure them....they wont last

yup earned quite a bit in the past 4 days....earned about 450 in 4 days....was doing quite well for the first 2 days...they set a maximum quota lah!! bonking dumb man...cos they didnt wanna pay us too much...dammit...first day's quota was 25...then second day's was 29....then for the weekend they divided us into 2 shifts....saturday's was 19 and yesterdays was 21....ya and after the QC and shit, you do the calculations...about 450....after i pay kong back, i have 300.....after tithings to God (10%) i have 250....which actually leaves me with nothing much left....damn...not enough to buy a PSP....bonking crap.....and they are only paying me 3 weeks? and it will so definitely drag to about 3 months (remember when my pay was delayed from before christmas till after Chinese new year?) arrghhh.....then my impulse buying does me a big 'favour'.....just bought this long sleeved V-neck by le coq sportif ....i think its meant to be a goalie's jersey...but it just looks SO GOOD i tell you....30 bucks...its black with white printing....woohooo...goes REALLY well with my dogtag....can wear it to school next year!!! wahahaha...long time no shopping!!! it also happened to sap me of my precious i only have like 7 bucks left....WTF....bought it ytd after knocking off...nadia (my colleauge) was with me....ya....she was waiting for a call from her bf on my phone so i brought her along...she helped me meet my quota for yesterday (how sweet) !! considering that she did the same for thyalaan and louis, she probably did about 40 bucks of free babe...then she treated me to ben n jerry's ice cream!! wow....was kinda shocked to see the Jael Chew working there....and i think she was kinda shocked to see me too...haha...pity she didnt manage to serve us...or i could have gotten more ice cream...hehe....

oh ya...i have reached the conclusion that virtually all michelles are pretty....surveyed this woman at the learning fest...she told me her age: 59, i was like stunned...had to double check if she didnt say thirty-nine...SHE LOOKED BLOODY YOUNG!!! like late thirties at most...and she was bloody pretty!!! wow...haha...other than the faint hint of wrinkles at the side of her eyes, there was no evidence whatsoever of her age....reminds me of those female vampires who suck blood to stay young....without the sinister side of prizes for guessing her name

i didnt know that there was Chinese AO paper today until lyndon called me last night....he had scheduled laopeh and laopeh to see Lim CHye Tin today at 10 exam was tentatively until 11...come to think of it, thank God it clashed...if not i would not have known about the paper until it was too about late, THE EXAMINERS OPEN THE DAMN DOORS BONKING 19 MINS AFTER THE START OF THE PAPER!!! na bei...we waited in the rain while they sorted out the barcodes leisurely...nearly fell asleep during the bloody lethargic...didnt end till about 11 30...laopeh and laobu were waiting outside general office since 10 45....when i called lyndon he was at home...he said he had to reschedule the meeting with chye tin....laopeh and laobu were was i in fact...imagine standing outside the general office with your parents and the whole school walking past....arrghhh.....SO EMBARRASING!!!! anyway lydon appeared 25 mins later and lim chye tin happened to be free so it was ok...she generally understood my situation and took my stand against those religious extremist parents of mine...that was good...had a feeling she was doing it to get rid of this problem student...but i dont mind....yup...i may be well on my way to media studies after all!!! whoopeedoo!!!

yup thats about it....yong hwee is selling these tickets to Gotham's haloween party on thursday....a free jug of drinks!! wow....tantalising 15 bucks....but that would put my finances in the red though...hmmmm...considering.....

now i have to wait till 4 plus before i leave to go office...doing door-to-door again....yup...only working at oriental on sunday.....bloody hell always fully booked....

everytime i see you i feel something tugging at my heart...but we only spoke once...and i dont even know you...i dont think its love so i push the thought away...but my daydreams are filled with you...i dont know what to do....dont wanna get hurt again....and a proud asshole like me fears rejection more than the plague.................bah humbug

leaving skool cheakie at 2:22 PM [comment]


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

damn sian....i got scammed into coming to school by chia...he said something about feeling guilty for ponning and told me to i went....albeit after staying in bed till 6.20 (i normally leave the house by 6.30)....until laobu's kaopehing seeped through the bolster over my ear....went in the gate at 7.32....still made it were only 8 ppl from the class who came....AND BOTH BRIAN AND FARIS PONNED!!!! i came for their PSPs....THEN THEY PONNED!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH...

damn damn damn sian was virtually the last day of school for me...and so little came....won 80 cents playing banluck with ho, dharwin and james.....they play ten cents a bet.....damn sian....tonight not going prawn fishing already....cos they are all not free....sian....they inviting the whole class was supposed to be a spastic outing! but that its tml i doubt i can make it leh....gotta work

oh ya talking about work....ima doing surveys at the suntec convention from thursday to sunday....yup....its the Singapore Learning Festival.....convention halls 403-404.....i get paid per i can treat you to a drink and give you a free goodie can look around and check out the job and study prospects too! yup...and i will give you a free goodie bag....with T-shirts and stuff....yup....for those who dont know what i look like but chanced on my blog, please come too!!! haha....just look for the tall, dark and fugly guy who is suffering a vicious acne attack....and who is dressed as a surveyor...haha....drop by if yall are free ya....? (n_n) oh ya...and if you see other surveyors there, DONT DO SURVEY FOR THEM!!!! DO FOR ME!! haha....there are like 20 of us surveyors for 2 exhibition bei....competition is stiff...

damn sian lah....still very empty inside since you left....doubt anything but love can fill that emptiness.....

leaving skool cheakie at 3:31 PM [comment]


Sunday, October 23, 2005

wasted the day at lebs hse yesterday...dint do no shit woke up raped by niexin in snooker AGAIN!!! really must see to those nagging back pains of mine....argh...irritating...went to church so late that i decided to go for the chinese contemporary service....goodness...didnt understand half of what they were singing...the people looked...weird...haha...after that went to city to meet kong for lunch...i owe him 150 now....damn....

the cat is really trying to prove himself to be a bitch man....we tried to give him some rough materials to double as scratching posts....he didnt even brush them...but he found himself a scratching post all right: the tyre of our foldable laopeh heard it scratching furiously away at the poor rubber.....pretty soon it will become a unicycle....after that just a piece of rusting bei....bonking cat

leaving skool cheakie at 10:10 PM [comment]


Saturday, October 22, 2005

ok...recieved the conditionally promoted...had alot of ppl msging me and calling me to ask me about my decision...i havent made it yet...i prayed that God would close all the other doors and only open one path for me to go....he hasnt closed my other options i wait..... on wednesday was quite eventful...the function was for Caesars Palace and Harrarah's....the casino companies...ya...went in kinda late....then started by tying bows to the back of chairs....after that was allocated groups....then collected pay...then went to makan....nette came by then...then went back to work...olinda was we were like pushing the chairs around, olinda was singing and trying out the sound system........or so it seemed...then she did one of those thingys in which you move the mic away and back to your mouth to vary the volume: the sound didnt vary at all...nette and i looked over at each other simultaneously....she was bloody lip-synching man....oh the poor guests....they will be scammed...

after that went back for final briefing...the angmoh manager came over and started looking closely at me..after meeting May( the bung) i was getting kinda worried....doubting his sexual the end he just told me to shave....borrowed alvin's shaver...hope he doesnt have STD....then cha lee arrowed my shoes....they weren't black enough....i told him the kiwi faded....then he told me that the little metallic logos on the shoes weren't allowed either...i promised to kiwi them off too...then May started to arrow my pants....apparantly they weren't black enough changed them already!!!! she got kinda pissed...told me to go to linen and rent a pair immeadiatelt and come back in ten minutes if not my pay was to be docked by 2 hrs....went as fast as i could...when i reached, the guy there was gaying around with his bei....i asked him for a pair of black pants....he said something about going to accounting to pay....spent 5 minutes looking for accounting...gave up...asked a passing woman...she was the accountant...thank God....went paid and got my reciept...went back to linen....the bloody faggot was gaying around again...i asked him to come over....he bonking took his bei...i asked for size 32....he disappeared for 3 minutes and came back with size L....asked me if it was big ehough...i said i had to try it on...went to the toilet...the pants were waaaaayyy too small!!! had to pull them all the way up to over my belly button....bonking shit...ran back down and told the faggot that they werent big enough....he disappeared to the back for another 5 bei....then he came back with a size 36....said there werent any bei...just took it....the pants were barely clinging to my hips!! i didnt put on my belt....the whole dinner i was pulling up my pants...that bonking faggot made me lose 2 hrs of not returning him his bonking pants...period..

the dinner was ok....but was bonking tiring...we were split into grps of 3....2 guys and a gal....each group 3 tables...the guys carried heavy silver trays laden with portioned food and the gal was BONKING biceps are still aching 2 days on....the ppl there drank lots of red wine....bloody rich arses....some of the women guests were much prettier than the waitresses...and thats damn rare...sad thing is that they were clinging on to the arms of some old bonks....ARGH....materialistic sluts...the models were damn fat lah!! their bellies were jiggling away...ewww...i nearly spilt red wine all over some guests...thank God i didnt....whew....and then also must thank God....first job was cocktail, the simplest...then he let me progress to a ready-portioned dinner....2nd simplest....think he wont be so kind to me next time round....was too shagged when i reached home...laobu heard me at the door and let me didnt have to sleep at mac...i slept until noon....then found 6 missed calls on my was the survey co....when i called back they had found a replacement...haha...blessing in disguise...hohohoho....i dont have to burn this weekend sitting at orchard counting cars...

the cat was a real bitch yesterday...he shitted in the litter box...that was ok...then he overturned the box and started leaping off it at the closed balconey door....grrrr....whacked him some....then he did it AGAIN!!!! arghhhhh.....whacked him more...then later on i heard a thump....the cat had shitted again....but it wasnt the shit that made the thump...he bonking rolled my basketball into his litter box full of getting damn pissed with him....sommore enhui wasnt at home to clear the shit ( its her duty) so no prizes to guess who had to do it (yours truly)........argghhh....

the survey co. just said i have to work on thursday as well....tuesday is the briefing...that leaves monday and wednesday free....thursday went to watch Transporter 2 with xinyan and wan kuku...the cha boh is damn raunchy...other than that its not very spectacular..... wednesday night wan kuku wants to go to night thats burnt too....grrrrr.....

sian...some lyrics have been stuck in my mind recently

Out of my mind
Nothing makes sense anymore
I want you back in my life
Thats all i'm breathing for

dont know why......

leaving skool cheakie at 2:20 PM [comment]


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

ok i bonking flunked my three O's and one REALLY going to poly this time round...this time the F changed from econs to finally going to mass comm....

almost everyone else made it...only me

im dumb

fuck....i mean bonk

bonking laopeh and laobu....they made it seem like it was MY choice to go to JC...bonking asses...i had been bonking telling them that i bonking wanted to go to mass comm since GOd knows when...and now they make it seem like it was MY choice to go JC...bonk them....all the bonking crap they shoved in my face about grandpa wanting me to go to uni..they left me with no bonking choice...they hit me where it hurt: grandpa....bonk them...sorry grandpa...i tried...but without any motivation to study i was doomed to fail....bonk it

they bonking locked me out on my first day....or rather NIGHT of i went to the good ol 24 hr mac at BB central to sleep....ya...waitering was ok...nearly dropped the champange flutes...their CG is so bonking high whole arm was bloody stiff...was made to do a lot of bonking sai kang....but i didnt give a paid...and that was all that bonking mattered....the bung i/c was quite nice..her names May...she kept asking me if i could handle serving a vain attempt to prove myself more 'man' than her, said it wasnt a the rate at which she and a few others kept coming over to me to correct me, i dont think any one of them trusted me....bonk....but its ok...i'll learn fast......................i hope...then waited for the bonking night ferry from 01 15 to 02 NEVER and all the other workers living in the west side went back to inform the managers about our predicament....shared a cab home in the end with 2 ah bengs and a bangala....but it was i dont mind

working on wed....from friday to sunday ima gonna be stuck at orchard counting cars.....OH WHY DID I BONKING AGREE TO THE TRAFFIC SURVEY SHIT!!!! one whole weekend burnt....sitting along orchard counting cars..... -,-

my niece just turned 1!! haha...caryn...shes damn runs in the family you know.... XP was bonking raining heavily....enhui and i were half-drenched each...we shared the umbrella all the way into the condo....ate a lot...there was nothing else to do but eat....there were a whole lot of balloons though....went around whacking my cousins and nephews on the head with 2 of them just to pass the time....after that went to Grandma's place to watch teebee....then went home...that was sunday..

my youngest sis is down with a fever....she has rashes...symptoms of bonking worried...can only pray for her..

my bonking life sucks man......

feel like smashing something....

it might be you

leaving skool cheakie at 10:01 AM [comment]


Sunday, October 09, 2005

damn sucks....

i have decided to incorporate a new word: BONK, into my vocab

life is bonking bad...i am bonking broke....promos are totally....owe so many people money....went to indochine today....borrowed ID from kong....turns out i didnt need it anyway...hmmm coke whiskey aint that bad....chiong until quite fun...didnt get the least bit conned by maylene into contributing to vodka....screw it man....she said it was supposed to be came out to be less than 200ml..and it was bonking red bull lah...the vodka made it easier to go down...bonking shit man.....kena reject...ok fine i havent been picking up girls for so bonking long ok....i have totally lost my touch....and i totally dont know how to do it in clubs....clubbing life is interesting....not entirely my cuppa tea....but its different

lost my bonking mojo...bonk it....


ermmm...ok i think im so gonna bonking retain...left 57 marks worth of math qns blank...bonk it...i think i may get A for econs... felt the same way during common test....i got a bonking F....after the bonking moderation it was still a bonking F...bonk it...think the same bonking thing is gonna happen again....

we are at gabriel's place now...1 couple making out on the bed...1 bonker sleeping on the sofa outside...1 guyand1 girl sleeping on a mattress...and one guy sleeping on the table....oh ya....i one bonking bankrupt typing away furiously at the bonking com

owe jaryl 40

owe kong 83

total debts: 123

total cash left on me: 8.50


went to oriental to fill in the form and all today...i start on wednesday....hope it wont be too bad.....the survey job is only for 3 days at the end of this month....see how...

england won one-nil...BECKHAM GOT SENT OFF!!!! WOOOHOOOO

ok gotta go sleep..tml got church man

leaving skool cheakie at 5:56 AM [comment]


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