Monday, October 25, 2004


its been raining for 4 daes straight....kaox....da ground is saturated...

my flooble was down when mi came online...damn cant see my posts...wonder how many new insults were

o's chem prac SUCKED....wth...gonna flunk big time...

i never learn my lesson....put chloride ions instead of sulphate....same mistake i made in e prelims prac.....WTF!!!!

heard that louise, hsien, xiuhui, fangyi gonna be retained...poor xh and hsien...dey worked quite hard....esp ish cum ppl hu work hard tio retain??den hairy bitches lyk simreen manage 2 scrape thr???? =OX

hmmmmm...went to sajc and acjc open hses....AC dn reallie appeal 2 mi...all rich peeps....sajc rocks!!! i SO wana go there....even though its moving 2 potong pasir...i wun reallie mind.....mebe go stay at mi old church e fsc for yr 2.....i wun be seeing them much aniwae...wahahahaa...

long time no blog....cuz nv go ppl hse ma....

haf ta SUPPOSED 2 be doing lit at edwin's hse....haha

oh ya....big news...sold my spoilt hp.....

fuk Blazing hps, at 1st quote mi 120 den lata quote mi 90....fukers!!!!
nbm...nearby in JEC got one hp shop....e guy quote mi 130.....

den he discovered e broken antenna....


Guy: eh...ur antenna lyk broken lidat leh...

me thinks *oh shit*

me: ....aiyah u use super glue glue back will be ok le la

Guy:.....lidat must take 10 bucks off the price leh...

Me: *relieved* eh...ok lor...

Hoho!!!sho its lidat mi conned e bloke of $120....haha...e hp was spoilt oso lo....think e hp chips fried when e gals left mi bag in e sun at sentosa....heng it din spoil on mi when e transaction was in session....thank God!!!

den he asked 4 mi ic....photocopied it....ask mi write mi contact number......

hehx....mi write my hse number....last few numbers write wrong.....WAHAHAHAHA....

i pity da bloke whose hse no. ish 65601938

he must have got alot of angry calls.....



bought dawn's hp...its a 8855....downgrade...... TT,TT i miss colour.....

been plaeing snakes2 alot on mi

8855...damn classy....tts why mi got it....e shop take in 40, sell at!!!

mi bought fr dawn for 70...she happy, i happy....

e 8855 hung on mi 5 times in 3 daes....den nwadays ish ard once ebery 2 daes....its nt as jialat as my samsung was falling to pieces.........literally..

ppl are kinda fascinated wib mi 8855....haha...guess dey haben seen a black and white fone in ages.... *sniff sniff* i noe im broke...thx 4 trying 2 make mi feel btr...haix....

aiyah wot da

im broke after paying 4 prom.....nw only left 50...tts my nett worth...50 bucks...fuk

kk...go study

physics prac tml....nv study...God help mi....

leaving skool cheakie at 4:41 PM [comment]


Wednesday, October 13, 2004 bak at e sch lib again....doing papers...hahas....xiao bai, jona and weiyang are doing work too...restest i tink.... bored.......sho bored tt mi looking thr JCs webbies....actually ACJC nt bad lehx...dey offer eng as A's!!!i could do tt!!! hahax....dey eben offer Divinity!! (HOLY!) wahahaha....budden angeline gg tere le...sho mi siam farfar....only bad ting ish tt AC dun offer lit at all!! kaox....if dey got combi with lit, eng, divinity and econs mi will kill angeline and chiong tere man!!! bez course would be SA de bahx... Physics+C Math+ Econs+ Lit......gonna kill myself with 4 subs...God help mi wana keep mi options open at JC level....

aniwaes divinity ish too holy 4 abt e most horrible christian u cn find ard...haix....God forgive mi.........

oh ya btw mi C.H. got a B4....after my marks pushed by 1 mark to 60...heh heh...mi got 1 SS structered essay full marks sehx!!! lvl 6!!! HOLY!! lol...guess mrs png was feeling kinda guilty 4 giving mi a big fat 0 for one of my structured esssays in mid yr...sho gib mi full marks 4 tis e rest sucked...all fuking lvl 3s....haix...mi muz jiayou!!! gAmBatE!!

2dae after class we had a discussion of where 2 go on fri after graduation........after options lyk playground and zoo were kinda eliminated, we decided 2 go for lunch at pizza hut and then go 2 Kbox....kinda unfair 4 e muslims (zaheerah and atikah) cuz dey gt fasting and cant eat pizza hut.....but e rest juz wanted it on fri instead of tml....oh well.... *sHrUgs* wad 2 do??? hmmmmm i wonder if angeline ish gg....she's remarkably quiet in class nowadays....thank God!! cant stand e whining....she sat thr e discussion in stony silence...was feelling kinda evil abt all tis bitching...budden for e sake of peace and quiet, im willing 2 do anyth... >,<

omg mi 4got abt e photos mi took with individuals fr 4/4!!!shit......supposed 2 get u all 2 sign dem...damn......only got fridae....and i haben taken wif eberyone yet.....oh no oh no!!!

alrite here's e poem mi promised a loooooooong time ago...still unedited cuz mi cudnt bother...
its abt reconciliation...........or what seemed to be peace after the storm....
*aHeM AhEm*

Untitled( as usual )

You once told me
"Friend, look forward in life,
Never look back at the dark past.
And remember,
I am always behind you giving you support"

It was with this reassurance
That I never looked back
Reassured that my new found friend
Would always be behind me
Supporting me

However when times were bad
And shadows of our dark past seemed to loom all over again
I looked behind hoping to find you
To hear your words of encouragement and loyal support
Despite all the odds

I only caught a glimpse of your fleeing shadow
And the hilt of your dagger embedded in my back
As the darkness closed in all around

haha...i noe...OUCH.......gotta hard fellas!!

leaving skool cheakie at 3:55 PM [comment]


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Hello everyone, this is your friendly 4/4 Gossip Network journalist, Rachel!
It is my greatest honour to be invited here today to report on the happenings of today's classes.

Reported by Rachel Tann

This morning at approximately 10AM, Class 4/4 and 4/5 was sitting in the AVA theatrette with Mrs Aileen Leong, their Combined Humanities teacher. She was trying to educating them on the finer points of History and Social Studies, but the two classes were making too much noise, drowning out her well practiced lessons. Irritatedly, she began to switch seats around to minimise the causes of the noise. Initially sitting with their different cliques (with exception of Miss Angeline Khoo sitting by herself surrounded by a sea of empty seats), people were made to sit places apart so they could not communicate. Among the people forced to change seats was Miss Christina Wong. She was moved to the second seat in the first row, next to her unpopular rival, Miss Angeline Khoo. The whole class watched in hushed apprehension as Miss Wong sat stonily in her new seat, her formidable frame casting a shadow on that of a cowering Miss Khoo. Everyone could sense the tension in the air. The delicate situation was broken by one of their classmates who cried "OH MY GOD!", when she noticed the change of positions. The class turned and stared at her, while she turned red. Suddenly, Mr Jonathan Au-yeung switched seats with Miss Wong. The class looked with amazement at Miss Wong's outright show of dislike to even BEING in Miss Khoo's presence. Within seconds, people started laughing loudly at Miss Khoo's pathetic state, and Miss Wong's triumph. The teacher tried to get them re-switch their seats, but to no avail. As quoted from Mr Yeap Weiyang, the class chairman, "I think it is better this way!"
Although Miss Wong was a seat away from Miss Khoo, it was obvious that Miss Khoo was causing Miss Wong and her friends discomfort. Immediately after the teacher finished her lecture, Miss Wong and her friends jumped up from their seats and moved away as fast as they could, leaving Miss Khoo surrounded by empty seats once more..................SO! Stay tuned, as we continue to watch the growing tension between Miss Wong and Miss Khoo. For you can rest assured dear readers, if there is a final showdown, Class 4/4's Gossip Network will be there to cover it for you.

Peace! <3

lol enuf of tt....its bak 2 mi....!!!muahhaha...hmmmx...we sharing com at sch lib...haha....juz dawned on mi hw much undue attn tt 'creature' ish getting...hmmmmmmx...mi will stop gibing her e undue attn.......soon...but nw LETS BITCH!!lol....

kinda weird though...angeline saes she looks down on Chris...amazing how a 13 pointer can look down on a 11 pointer... o,O and amazing how a 13 pointer can call a 10 pointer 'incompetent' (pls refer >>>>>>>)

lol...farnie...oh tml ish e laz dae of exams for e sec 4 u guys!!!! glad u were'nt born a year earlier....or u will be mugging lyk zombies at tis point of time....haix....oh ya!!! roy and mel and mi hab new pimples!!! shows tt we are ummmmmm...puttin in effort!!!lol....gambatte!!! hahaha...

alot of ppl considering nt gg prom le... *sigh* cuz got no free prom tix and eberyone seems 2 hab outside programmes at tt point of time...walao......puts peeps wib free prom tix (lyk mi) in a bad free food but will be eating alone...haix.....pls guys!!be more 'on' cn??? not beri often tt limpeh get a free meal worth $

haha...thought of tis sTrAnGe thought laz nite..

im not an optimist who looks back at how far he has come and says, "Hey, i have come so far!!nothing can stop me now!!" and fails to notice the trench before him on his road to success.

im not a pessimist who lifts his heavy eyes to gaze into the distant walls of the city of success and says, "Argh!!so much more???its useless..." but still drags his feet onwards....

im the realist who looks at the ground before him and walks on in silence....

haha...gotta go do my emath pprs and my chem papers...they're piling up...*sIgH*

im hungry...........................................................................................................................

leaving skool cheakie at 2:16 PM [comment]


Monday, October 11, 2004

ohhoho!!!! angeline has out some nasty stuff on her blog....haha...but after ppe read it, she deleted it....omg she's pathetic...trying desperately 2 stand up 4 herself but too darn HUM JI 2 defend herself all e way lohs...hahaaaaaa...will post her entry as soon as i cn get my hands on it....nt a bad publicity stint for her blog aniwaes...she's got nothing 2 frens 2 lose amongst dem aniwae.....

u noe wads sad??? melody and shermaine were actually intending 2 treat her better....juz a few daes ago...den angeline wrote stuff against dem, calling shermaine a clown and saeing stuff abt melo and guo wonder angeline's eng SUX... shermaine ish not a clown, she's a comedian...ppl laugh WITH her, not AT her....e real clown (though unwittingly) ish ANGELINE....ppl mock her stupidity...though she tries damn hard 2 prove otherwise....awwwwww...sad aint it???

aniwaes mi told dem how 2 handle it le....dn worry no one ish gonna confront u....u cn try tis again...sae more nasty stuff...even sae more conceited stuff!!! do all you can 2 feel good.....while it lasts.............ur asking 4 destruction...and tis destruction wun be juz 4 nw...u will have 2 live wib it 4 e rest of ur miserable will be written on ur o's cert......mark my words....

sho wat if chris dn lyk mi tt much?? i can live with least mi dun go around TRYING sho bloody hard 2 get myself accepted into a clique...keep trying angeline...esp in ACJC....try HARD....and dawn has reason 2 hate mi...mi admit 2 being too nasty 2 her...she's a fellow human after all....( bt im quite surprised tt gt ppl kan de shang wo in her pri sch lehx o,O)

and chris dun flaunt her riches.....not lyk somebody who carry an UGLY, GREEN and obviously IMITATION LV bag....walao...dono hu lehx???bet tt creature will be carrying it into ACJC on orientation dae lehx.....

angeline, heres sth from e bottom of my heart to u..... _l_ _l_

before i go, here's a quotation from mi:

'To make a person a total failure, strike at the core of his success.'

leaving skool cheakie at 1:46 PM [comment]


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

oho..... look 2 e left....angeline was here! e zhuai kia.....aniwaes y wud i hate gd ol' chris? u tink u n be compared 2 her? u tink ur as rich as her? well...sorry bt chris is WAAAAAAAAAAY smarter and humbler than u even though she actully has e results 2 boast abt....i hate e arrogance of swine lyk u.....pls cont wif tis 'im e smartest ard' attitude of urs.....i wud luv 2 c ur pride lead 2 ur downfall....and if u dn wan anymore enemies, here's some advice: nez time dn come in in e middle of sch snooker comp and try 2 gt attn by whining lyk a slut.....u made mi lose conc, lose a frame....and lose 2 aqashah and indirectly 2 edwin...lost my snooker reputation cuz of u.....tink sho fuking highly of urself...

aniwaes lazy type yc hse...his dad remove keyboard....typing wif onscreen-keyboard....clik till vomit blood......kaox.....

oh ya...e onslaught of prelim papers has arrived.....sho gtg.....

ps: angline, kiss my ass....ur fuking cooking sux....u dn nid an o's cert 2 make sandwiches

leaving skool cheakie at 5:05 PM [comment]


Monday, October 04, 2004

hmmmmx.....wads new??? ermmm...over e weekend gt nth 2 do......nobody wanted 2 go out......eberyone CLAIMED 2 be studying ( yaaaaaa rite?) .....sho if u cant stop dem, join and leong gave 6 chem papers and 1 emath paper respectively....all o's paper...mi did 5 chem papers and da emath one ovr e wkend....cuz my gd fren edwin burn e codec too fast...kaox mi noe mi cd drive slow loh.....sux....

cum bak sch.eberyone nv touch chem...LOL!!! ahead of e pack!!! budden mi got a confession: mi neber touch e structured for 3 lazy take out foolscap...wahahahaha.....budden our gd ol kent finished all le!!! *pEnG* leong identified him as white horse b4 worx!!!!! nw nt black horse le....nw white stallion !!!! hero.... im juz an old donkey coughing in e dust..... *eeyooooooooore*

oh btw mi L1R5 ish nw 10.....mrs tham pushed mi lit up to a 2.....thx mrs tham!!! mi will try my 110% 2 meet ur more choppy essays!!!mi will try 2 write lyk a literary genius!!! (bt e keyword ish TRY) hehx......

oh ya....bao gao bao gao......according 2 L1R5...our WILFRED CHUA SI HOW has topped 4/4 wif a score of 9!!!!! *aPplAuSe*(ZHUAI GE PI LA NI!!!) wif 6 A1s..... he's NT HUMAN.....i can swear if i was nt a

got alot of hw 2 pia.....muz chiong finish....mi expecting an onslaught of otr schs prelims papers.....and mebe some o's e nez week......YAY WE GRADUATING ON 15th OCTOBER 2004 A.D. !!!!!!!!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA.......juniors kiss my nez yr cum bak see u all wearing SCH SOCKS FAITHFULLY!!!!! muahahahaha....CSS?? wad ish css???
coral sec?? canberra??? oh yaa........COMMONWEALTH.....a BAND 6 sch??? css = commonwealth school socks.....lolx...alot of juniors will kill mi after tis...e laz thing mi will ever see ish e commonwealth flame on their ankles.... *bLeAhX*

leaving skool cheakie at 2:19 PM [comment]


Friday, October 01, 2004

zZzzz.......edwin gave mi e codec ytd.....sho happie.......tried installing it ytd after mi came bak......cant open cuz mi cd drive too slow n he burnt too fast..sho sad.............. TT,TT

kaox...cant watch naruto n hikaru nogo.....WTH!!!! cant eben watch X-Japan concert...double shit......

bt nbm..still got LOVE ACTUALLY!!!! wahahahaha!!! song bo....e bez movie ever made...watched it halfway at 2am....den e fuking lao bu wake up....kaox...........

went thr abit of RV again...cant do!!!!!! siao liao siao liao......muz chiong again le......fuk we go again.... *sigh*

looked thr e phy and CH answer schemes.....kaox...mi made alot of STUPID mistakes!!!wad a loser i am.....muz learn fr dem n DN MAKE DEM AGAIN!!!!

actually....................e prelims were DAMN EZ......sho getting 11 ish no big deal lohs.....ya....tink mi eben lost 2 tt angeline......fuk man......4 e sake of mi integrity mi muz win!!!



kaox..........dada scratched my 'windstruck' cd!!!!! i used 2 b able tu see mi reflection in e back man.....nw i look eben mre disfigured than when i look into e mirror when mi look into e formerly-reflective surface.......

looking thr e JCs nw.....all e specifications...sho goddamn worried mi will do much worse 4 mi o's......its a gut gut feelings always cum true.......somehow................................. mi!!!!!!

leaving skool cheakie at 8:24 AM [comment]


Previous Posts
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
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07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006


My Extended family
4/4 peeps
05S75 peeps
da jie da
hunky jaryl
ms woon
judo king
wan kuku
ms neo
SAJC peeps
SAJC05S75(2nd intake)
ms choee
hainan woman
CSS peeps
Outside frens
MCM T104
class blog
BIG pussy
The Yarzman
mrs smeagol
miss OR
netball captain
the driver
the 'divas'
mr nanayakara
Primary sch frens
