Thursday, September 30, 2004

zzzzzzzz.......ya i noe rach has e right 2 get im juz too fucked up 2 care man.......

alrite......bao gao results....

English Language: A2
English Literature: B3
Chinese Language: C6
Elementary Mathematics (Syallabus D): A1
Additional Mathematics (5th edition): B3
Pure Chemistry: A1
Pure Physics: A1
Combined Humanities (History+Social Studies): ?????


haben recieved my CH results.......cuz lata den release...nw using com in sch lib wib ian n of now, mi L1R5 ish.....................11....

thx be 2 God!!! hard work ish paying off.....i tink.................................




leaving skool cheakie at 9:59 AM [comment]


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

2dae get back english + lit results.....kaox...mi depending on those 2 to put in my L1R5.... nw eng got a 2 and lit got a 3....kaox.......tere goes my free prom tix man...shud i still go???

if u ppl hab read rach's blog...ya i noe wad shes saeing....mebe i shud explain...she called mi when i was watching tv abt my blog shit.... ya as u all cn see, quite jialat la e way dey hab terrorised it >>>>>>

ya as i was saeing, she called mi hp, sho mi call bak on mi hse fone.....cant rmb much, otr than her wanting my password 2 remove e negative posts.....sho mi tell her tt it was she hu set e password ma...ya sho she went in2 my flooble.....rmb i was watching teebee?? tt was during e advertisments

well my show came back on....wad was it???oh ya e coroner 8...damn farnie...sho mi kinda absorbed in e show while rach was yammering on e otr side of e line....she said alot of stuff sho mi juz went 'ya....ya...oh realie???tts cool' and stuff lidat........

mi dn rmb much ma.....cuz mi was absorbed in my show....den she said sth abt e 5/1 animals (those hu were doing tt>>>>) saeing stuff abt her...sth abt whores...den juz nice climax ma...sho mi sae 'dono?'

den she went strangely silent.....den suddenly she put down e fone on mi.......mi was kinda shocked...msg her ask her wad happen

she no reply

sho mi cant b bothered...carry on watching...e coroner's head gg 2 b chopped off le...mre impt >,<

ya....sho tts it........mi dn blame her 4 wanting 2 spite mi or anyth...cuz mi at fault.....dn tink explaining will do any gd, since its all cum tis far.......ya.....feeling damn detached.....

been feeling lidat since mi started chionging 4 o' no time 4 human emotions

no time to care.....

cant b bothered abt tis, abt e 5/1 ppl....mental disintegration

cant eben b bothered abt my mental disintegration....



leaving skool cheakie at 4:29 PM [comment]


Friday, September 24, 2004

feeling gay 2dae...sho use pink.......hehehe..

finaly e prelims are over....nt tt bad la....shud be passable....hopefully can do well enuf 2 get a free prom broke nw...thx 2 all those hu wished mi luck...cuz mi reallie nided it....

haix...teres lyk sum1 out 2 ruin my life......sq told mi tt her fren overheard 2 ppl saeing stuff lyk mi badmouthed man.....huever ish doing tis......ur smarter than i am at ruining lives.....its e best time nw 2 ruin my bogged down by studies, having probs wib my fuking family and cant realie care abt anyth else......haix....hanging on for survival from two lifelines: my friends and God.....e two strong supports tt allow mi 2 hang on...nw someone ish trying 2 cut e 'friends' line....oh well....try hard......though mi may sae alot of nasty things 2 mi frens, dey noe mi ish juz trying 2 get a point across and nt saeing it maliciously.....

oh n mr or ms 'life-ruiner', u missed 1 pt.......of all ppl mi wud badmouth, u chose 2 invent a tale tt mi badmouthed sq....of all ppl, shes e 1 mi wud NEVA sae anyth Bad abt...loser....try harder...ur better at ruining lives than i am....take my hat off to u... :1

aniwaes we're gg 2 buy ali's belated pressie...4got my damn ezlink...nw gotta pay

6 hrs pass.................

haha.....bak at roy's hse...dn feel sho gay nw....sho type in normal lettering...edwin's sis card (it was in a powerpuff girls case) had 70 cents in up 5 bucks den help pay 4 ali's bag...nw left 1.50...argh!!! mi stink nw...damn stuffy bugis one nice leather bag...28 bucks...dammit mi wan 2 buy bt din...mebe shud hab bought...din see my diamond stud either...nid 2 go westmall buy nw...damn damn damn..........saw grace kong at lido...she looked bz sho din sae hi... =/ yay nw gg 2 watch Garfield on roy's com!!!wahahahaha!!!!

oh ya btw rmb mi said mi in LURVE wib e Summer Scent gal???? yupx..finally found out e name of my wife-to-be.... its Son Ye-Jin....!!!!! OMG she SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! if mi had e cash mi wud buy e drama vcd juz 2 watch her...........budden its lyk $46.90..... fuk original stufff...... -,-!!!

if u wana see her, here are some linkies:

ya.......tts it.......

leaving skool cheakie at 10:07 AM [comment]


Monday, September 13, 2004

hmmmmmmmx.....long time no post are 2 kinda strange ones mi wrote, both untitled...alrite here's e 1st....damn shitty cuz unedited...hehx

twenty-four hours a day
seven days a week
nothing do i say
not a word do i speak

tears roll down my cheeks unbidden
splash to the ground unstopped
my agony, in the silence long hidden
has now been unlocked

I tried to put on a brave front
did my best to force a smile
however, i just can't
heal the pain growing all this while

the wound inside me bleeds
deep within my heart
for the balm of love to heal itself, it pleads

The one who used to hold my hand
who kissed me every date
has now forsaken me in this dark land
this dark land of hate

"What did i do wrong to you?"
i ask in vain as i weep
and my teardrops join the beads of morning dew
even as i toss and turn in fitful sleep

as i sleep, my dreams are filled with you
in them i pursue the strength to live
strength and hope symbolised by you
the only one this strength to give

in my dreams, i pursue your retreating figure with a blind hope
an endless space of time seems to lapse
WHen i come close, i lunge to catch your skirt of hope
but it just slips beyond my grasp.....................

hahas........tts e 1st one........hmmmmx.......tink mi will write e 2nd one some other time.....its nt as lame as tis ya...muz edit and extend damn luo for sherwin???i 4give u...haha......but mi cant stand it when people insult my friends are lyk family to mi....they are the ppl who stand up for mi, who acccept mi as i am without complaint....they do not try to control mi......thr tis episode mi kinda touched tt ppl stand up 4 mi.....eben if its ppl mi seldon tok 2....thx alot guys....appreciate u all....

one more thing..mi din sae anyth abt siva's skin ok???mebe it was my frens who said it...mebe i was tere...have a vague memory of racist comments being uttered in my i was nt e one hu said it....would swear if i could......sho all u fuckers who are targetingmi 4 it, u gt e wrong person.........

leaving skool cheakie at 8:01 PM [comment]


Thursday, September 09, 2004

po liang told mi ytd tt mi said sth bad abt sherwin in my blog....folks u be my judge n look thr all my u see anyth tt suans him at all??? 1stly, i wud lyk 2 sae i dn noe HU DA FUCK ish sherwin.......(and i thot MY name was stupid)....and WAD DA FUCK i hab done 2 him....u gt any prob wib mi cum up 2 mi n settle face 2 face laaa...cowards lyk u only dare 2 speak up online....n dn go fucking diaoing mi at mac..diao si mi diao????/kanina wan mi make those lanjiao small eyes of urs swollen isit????dn eben noe u except tt u live near mi...y e fuck wud i waste precious blog space toking abt u eben b4 now??? u go see la.....i hab neber said anyth bad abt u....only NOW am i saeing tis cuz i'm bloody fucked up tt low-down illegitamate sons of female canines lyk U are terrorising an innocent guy's blog....

aniwaes insults aside...lemme get down 2 e norm of updating mi blog......hmmmmmmmmx...its e hols xinyi's hse...haha...wib zhili too..xinyi's slping while mi use e com...aaannnnnyway mi went 2 lib 2 study on mondae...asked shuqi online e nite b4 whether she wan 2 go...when rach demanded tt she go too, sq agreed...1st mistake: letting rach cum along.....kaox..on mondae mi told her 2 go early cuz cnfm gt alot of ppl chiong 4 seats immead when e lib open...ya..sho mi thot mi will b late...met kok at mi hse busstop, gt on bus wib him met kelvin yap n sinyee...lols..kok n sy went tuition, kelvin was gg lib...reached lib, saw a huge crowd outside sign of rach..hehx...den mi go thr e cafe area den managed 2 snatch seats..hoho!!kelvin lent mi his ass 2 chope a table...den e swine rach only appeared at 12.30....half an hr late...kaox...kel zhaoed...mi went 2 get sme bks...saw jiamin...haha she pangseh mi den cum same

sq came at ard 1 after her mum's lunch treat(lucky gurl)....den we studied silently..until rach tried 2 b funny and started calling ppl 2 announce tt shes wib us....kanina damn paiseh lohs...poor sq...her skin nt as thick as mine...sOwEe shuqi!!!managed 2 tok 2 her abit when tt irritating big-nose left us alone...(thank God 4 e peace!!)....sho long nv chat wib her le...hahax...ya...hope will hab mre chances 2 catch up wib her sn... *sMiLeS wIsTfUlLy* she's e sister i neber had...her dad sent her hme den rach dragged mi ard in search of porridge..haha..all e porridge stalls were closed or had stopped selling..wahahaha...told u rach, NOBODY LYKS U...! XPpP

hmmmmm...tuesdae...oh went IMM wib xinyi 2 study...poor thing shes con heavy medication due 2 her illness...den ytd went bak sch study...

kkies xy's mum wans e com...update sum other dae when free

leaving skool cheakie at 3:49 PM [comment]


Sunday, September 05, 2004

2dae woke up late....shit too long....late 4 church....when reach commonwealth mrt only left 5 mins of service.....sho mi din bother 2 get down e train......went to ps mac...bought a meal wib ezlink...den did chem tys fr 12.30 to 3.48.....peng...reach den kong tell mi he gt bible study wib tt rev tang....until 4!!!!kaox.....saw roy teo n sean teo.....hahaha.....still e same lehx dey....sean still as iNtErEsTiNG, roy still as beng.... :OX

kong came wib josh...walked ard...stoned...updated mi abt eberyone in jsm....all still alive....hehx....den went 2 buy enhui's pressie...she tried 2 act considerate and said 2 get a cheaper pressie 4 her than mi gt leng...sho mi get a cheaper one lor......8 bucks...quite a nice black top...haha...nbm..........

folks if u will be sho kind as to cast ur eyes to e right side, u will notice tt my hate club has been here...haha...someone has terrorised my flooble....go check it out....but losers lyk tis FUCKER dn dare leave their name....awwwwwww...only shows tt tere are only LOSERS in my hate club....teehee.... ;p


wrote a shit poem last nite....will post it some other time....

leaving skool cheakie at 9:36 PM [comment]


Thursday, September 02, 2004

hmmmmx....since mi at rach hse again den write again nth much 2 do...chem prac 2dae sucked......mi VA experiment kns...e reading lyk wrong lidat...cuz different fr all e chem QA sucked eben mre....kaox...e cation put wrong...shud b Zn i put Pb...den mi amath june 2004 ppr 2 get 48/80.....after mr leong sae mi improving den get tis type of shit result...he shud hab stuck 2 saeing discouraging stuff...2dae sucked...

bt den again, mi life sucks aniwae... *shrugs*

nw rach n sharon are toking on e fone.....hahas...she used 2 hate sharon cuz of her grp of nw their chatting lyk ol frens....den she oso made frens wib shuqi mei n michelle.....both of whom she used 2 dislike oso...she saes she finds dem both quite sweet nw...esp sq... SEE??? mi told u junior gals arent tt bad after all!!! (n_n) hahas...all thx 2 mi!!!

wad else 2 sae??shuqi finally wrote mi a testi..hehex...den jiamin managed 2 psycho mi into getting her hw 4 her tml....she planning 2 pon...i tink...kaox y mi sho kind 2dae??

aniwaes came over 2 fix rach's hp software..its okie nw...shes frantically putting fotos into her hp...walao x430...nt worth it she wun listen..guess she will find out y IT SUX soon... *shrugs* ppl hu dn listen 2 mi advice regret it sooner or later....

yAy...finally gt jAy's album fr xiuhui!!! thx babe *mUaCkX* !! mi promised mi wun burn(damn mi n my big mouth) budden mi neber sae mi wun rip 2 mp3 worx!!! XpPp *bleahx* hahax..his tis album quite nice wonder xh n sq are lyk sho crazy over him... =/

oh well...tink will be gg off soon cuz mi gotta start chionging again le...take cre ppl!!! >0<

oh ya...2 all e members of e anti-cheak club....bad news..i'm still alive n kicking....haix........

hab started tinking of u again.....dn tink u eben remember mi nw....ur much btr at 4getting ppl dan 4 u den... :'(

leaving skool cheakie at 7:44 PM [comment]


Wednesday, September 01, 2004

to the many members in mi hate club out tere: sowee 2 disappoint u i'm still alive...ya...mi kinda sick of mi cursed existence wad 2 do???God dn wan take mi hme yet.... *sHrUgS*

prelims juz a few hrs away...starts tml wib chem prac...hope mi cn do well....hope e fuking oxygen tests dn fuk up on mi again....glowing splints always EXTINGUISHES instead of relighting.... -_-''

ytd went bak pri sch..kinda disappointed tt 'she' cudnt make it... T,T guess shes working hard 4 her o's...sho shud i....haix...alot of ppl kip saeing hw much i hab changed...kip looking at mi face n ear...hana hana...mi noe mi gt alot mre pimples nw....dn hab 2 rub it in kaes???? T.T saw mdm zuraidah, miss siti...ya...miss all mi pri sch chers.......................well most of dem aniwaes...

aniwaes nw at rach's hse...shes habing tuition n i'm hogging e com....stayed over wib edwin...haha...laz nite mi laopeh kaubei lyk fuk when mi tried 2 leave e hse at midnite...eben dragged mi grandma into e fray n used her against mi.... o,O fuk la...mi left e hse aniwae...fuk man...mi hate habing an intelligent dad...he saw e dialled number on e cordless n called edwin bak 2 kaubei man...he gt sho many gd stuff eg. ppl relations....and all i hab inherited are his pimples...... -,- din eben inherit his intelligence...kaox

aniwaes...2dae ish TEACHERS DAY!!!!make sum dedications nw....

miss florence ng hu taught mi in pri 3 and 4: Hey miss ng!!!miss u sho much...!!!all ur life stories, and e pomeander u gave mi...still hab it................sumwhere...hahas....hope 2 c u ard n hopefully u still rmb mi!!!God bless u n Happy Teachers Day!!

mdm zuraidah 6B 2000: Hey mdm z!!!thz 4 eberything u hab done 4 mi!!!one of e most dedicated chers on wonder eberyone luvs u...sho lucky 2 hab u teach mi...ya.....abt e keat hou thing..mi noe u tried ur bez 2 kip e both of us gg at each others necks....ya...haha!!wib ur blessing mi will try eben harder 2 do well 4 mi o's!!! thx 4 ur faith in mi!!! luv u alot!!! (n_n)
Happy Teachers Day!!

mrs ong kian hin hu taught mi sec 1 math: MRS ONG!!!! haha....e wackiest female cher ard...cuming to 60 n not looking it...hahas....marvelous teacher...dedicated and unorthodox....will remember tt e most impt subject ish EEEEEEENGGGGGGGGlish n will use my RUULLLLLLLLLLLa!! 4get u??? AAAAAABBBBBBBsolutely NOT!!! wahaha...take care...!!!put your health 1st...dn overstrain yourself...teaching will suffer a great loss when you retire... T,T thx 4 using ur mic to KONK e facts into mi!!! Happy Teachers Day!!

mr william lai hu taught mi sec 2 science: hi! wonder how u r doing now at acs...haha...ran 2 greener pastures...guess u cudnt stand e fuking doroty tay as well huh??haha...thx 4 eberything...e most down-to-earth teaching methods i hab eber experienced...thx again..Happy Teachers Day!!

mr sunit singh hu taught mi sec 2 lit: yOx!!!hows life??? thx 4 kindling mi interest in lit..!!ya rmb hw u made us jump ard lyk a bunch of monkeys...hahas...u called mi F.O.S. personified....true...haha...take care n thx 4 showing tt u care!! aprreciate it a hell lot....esp e lunch treat....thx 4 eberything....!! hope u cn go bak 2 ur gd ol wacky self again...dn take life too seriously....empress dowager signing off!!Happy Teachers Day!!

mr ferdinand quek hu taught mi sec 3 english: Mr Quek!!wahahaha...e most entertaining, dashing cher arnd....thx 4 e great army stories...abt soldiers shooting demselves in e head n breains dripping fr e ceiling....hoho!!! ib u hab found alot of transparency markers missing, i hab a confession: i took dem....hehx....thx 4 making english sho fun...wish u all e bez in ur further studies n New Zealand ya??? tell e Kiwi birds i said hi....take care!!!! Happy Teachers Day!!

ms shyam!!taught mi sec 3 math: thx 4 trying ur bez...!sowee abt hw we treated you...hope u suceed in ur teaching career!!!Happy Teachers Day!!

last but definitely not the least: Mr leong wai lup hu taught mi sec 2 math, sec 4 math: mr leong...thx for eberything..though u dn show it...i noe u reallie care 4 ur students...great teacher...damn intelligent...take care of wayne k???haha....can means Happy Teachers Day!!

kkaes...dn wan 2 disapoint u all sho muz go study....

leaving skool cheakie at 12:43 PM [comment]


Previous Posts
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
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08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
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11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
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06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006
09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006


My Extended family
4/4 peeps
05S75 peeps
da jie da
hunky jaryl
ms woon
judo king
wan kuku
ms neo
SAJC peeps
SAJC05S75(2nd intake)
ms choee
hainan woman
CSS peeps
Outside frens
MCM T104
class blog
BIG pussy
The Yarzman
mrs smeagol
miss OR
netball captain
the driver
the 'divas'
mr nanayakara
Primary sch frens
